

Hay-Smith J, Starzec-Proserpio M, Moller B, Aldabe D, Cacciari L, Pitangui AC, Vesentini G, Woodley S, Dumoulin C, Frawley H, Homsi Jorge C, Morin M, Wallace S, Weatherall M. (2024). Update: Review-Intervention - Comparisons of approaches to pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in women. The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. December 20;(12):CD009508. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD009508.pub2

Fraser S, St-Onge K, Southall K, Morin M, Forest L, Dumoulin C. (2024) Changing self-perceptions and self-management of urinary incontinence with pelvic floor physiotherapy and social support: a qualitative descriptive study. Physiotherapy Canada. November 6;(aop):e20230072.  

El-Sayegh B, Dumoulin C, Leduc-Primeau F, Sawan M. (2024). Improving Pelvic Floor Muscle Training with AI: A Novel Quality Assessment System for Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Sensors. October 29; 24(21):6937. doi:10.3390/s24216937

Le Berre M, Forest L, Dumoulin C. (2024) Implementation of group-based exercise programs in physiotherapy: a rapid scoping review. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, August 1;103(8):761-768. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000002477

McLean L, Pulsifer J, Keshwani N, Dumoulin C. et al. (2024). Canadian Society for Pelvic Medicine Position Statement: The Landscape of Pelvic Health Physiotherapy in Canada. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada. July;46(7):102565. doi:10.1016/j.jogc.2024.102565.

Vesentini G, Panicker J, Wallace S, Dumoulin C. (2024) Conservative management for urinary incontinence in neurological patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Continence. April 11; 10:101222. doi:10.1016/j.cont.2024.101222

Carlson K, Andrews M, …, Dumoulin C, et al. (2024) 2024 Canadian Urological Association guideline: Female stress urinary incontinence. Canadian Urological Association Journal. March 26;18(4):83-102. doi:10.5489/cuaj.8751

Larequi Y, Cacciari L, Kouakoue C, Poder T, Vale L, Morin M, Mayrand MH, Tousignant M, Dumoulin C. (2024) L’entraînement des muscles du plancher pelvien en groupe est une approche plus rentable pour traiter l’incontinence urinaire chez les femmes âgées : analyse économique d’un essai randomisé. Mains Libres. March 20;41(1):53. doi:10.55498/MAINSLIBRES.2024.12.1.53

Le Berre M, Dumoulin C. (2024) Accessibility of pelvic floor physiotherapy for treating urinary incontinence in older women in Quebec: an online survey. Physiotherapy Canada. March 6;76(1):86-94. doi:10.3138/ptc-2021-0089

De Jong J, Burkhard F, Zwahlen M, Junginger B, Dumoulin C. (2024) Assessment of Involuntary PFM Contractions in comparison to existing Literature and IUGA/ICS Terminology Reports. International Urogynecology Journal, February 8. doi:10.1007/s00192-024-05729-z

Le Berre M, Filiatrault J, Reichetzer B, Kairy D, Lachance C, Dumoulin C. (2024) Online group-based pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in older women: a pilot study. International Urogynecology Journal. February 5. doi: 10.1007/s00192-024-05728-0


Dumoulin C. (2023) La physiothérapie pelvipérinéale : quand, pour qui et pourquoi? Revue Le médecin du Québec. May; 58(5):19-23.

Le Berre M, Filiatrault J, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2023). Group-Based Pelvic Floor Telerehabilitation to Treat Urinary Incontinence in Older Women: A Feasibility Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. May11;20(10), 5791. doi:10.3390/ijerph20105791

Cyr MP, Camden C, Dumoulin C, Dostie R, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb WH, Lapointe-Milot K, Mayrand MH, Morin M. (2023). Gynecological Cancer Survivors' Experiences of Dyspareunia and Factors Influencing Care-Seeking Behavior: A Qualitative Study. Archives of sexual behavior. April 14. doi: 10.1007/s10508-023-02589-4

Mercier J, Dumoulin C, Carrier-Noreau G. (2023) Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation for genitourinary syndrome of menopause: why, how and when? Climateric. April 5;1-7. doi: 10.1080/13697137.2023.2194527

de Jong J, Dumoulin C, Junginger B, et al. (2023) Do differences in abdominal movement patterns during coughing and forced expiration affect cranioventral bladder neck displacement in healthy nulliparous subjects? Continence. March;5:100576 doi: 10.1016/j.cont.2023.100576

Swinnen N, de Bruin ED, Guimarães V, Dumoulin C, et al. (2023) The feasibility of a stepping exergame prototype for older adults with major neurocognitive disorder residing in a long-term care facility: a mixed methods pilot study. Disability and Rehabilitation. February 23;1-15. doi:10.1080/09638288.2023.2182916

Bø K, Anglès-Acedo S, Dumoulin C, et al. (2023) Strenuous physical activity, exercise, and pelvic organ prolapse: a narrative scoping review. International Urogynecology Journal. January 24. doi: 10.1007/s00192-023-05450-3

Sanses TVD, Zillioux J, Dumoulin C, et al. (2023) Evidence-Informed, Interdisciplinary, Multidimensional Action Plan to Advance Overactive Bladder Research and Treatment Initiatives: Directives From State-of-the-Science Conference on Overactive Bladder and Cognitive Impairment. Urogynecology (Hagerstown). January 1;29(1S Suppl 1):S20-S39. doi:10.1097/SPV.0000000000001274

Dengler KL, High RA, Dumoulin C, et al. (2023) Overactive Bladder and Cognitive Impairment: The American Urogynecologic Society and Pelvic Floor Disorders Research Foundation State-of-the-Science Conference Summary Report. Urogynecology (Hagerstown). January 1;29(1S Suppl 1):S1-S19. doi:10.1097/SPV.0000000000001272


El-Sayegh B, Cacciari L, Primeau FL, Sawan M, Dumoulin C. (2022) The State of Pelvic Floor Muscle Dynamometry: A Critical Review. Neurourology and Urodynamics. December 7;42(2):478-499. doi:10.1002/nau.25101.

Bø K, Anglès-Acedo S, Batra A, Brækken IH, ChanYL, Homsi Jorge C, Kruger J, Yadav M, Dumoulin C (2022). Are hypopressive and other exercise programs effective for the treatment of pelvic organ prolapse? International Urogynecology Journal. November 23;34(1):43-52. doi: 10.1007/s00192-022-05407-y

El-Sayegh B, Dumoulin C, Ali M, Assef A, Sawan M, Primeau FL. (2022) Portable Dynamometer-Based Measurement of Pelvic Floor Muscle Force. IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine. November 18;11:44-53. doi:10.1109/JTEHM.2022.3223258.

Le Berre M, Filiatrault J, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2022) Feasibility, acceptability and effects of a group pelvic floor muscle telerehabilitation program to treat urinary incontinence in older women. Digital Health. October 26;8:20552076221123720. doi:10.1177/20552076221123720

Vesentini G, O'Connor N, Elders A, Le Berre M, Nabhan AF, Wagg A, Cacciari L, Dumoulin C. (2022) Interventions for treating urinary incontinence in older women: a network meta‐analysis (protocol). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. September;(8):CD015376. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD015376.

Cacciari L, Mayrand MH, Morin M, Dumoulin C. (2022) Never too late to train: effects of pelvic floor muscle training on the levator hiatus shape of incontinent older women. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. September 4;19(17):11078. doi:10.3390/ijerph191711078

Bø K, Anglès-Acedo S, Achla Batra A, Hoff Braekken I, Ling Chan Y, Homsi Jorge C, Kruger J, Yadav M, Dumoulin C. (2022) International urogynecology consultation chapter 3 committee 2; conservative treatment of patient with pelvic organ prolapse: Pelvic floor muscle training. International Urogynecology Journal. August18;33(10):2633-2667. doi:10.1007/s00192-022-05324-0

Cyr MP, Dostie R, Candem C, Dumoulin C, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb WH, Lapointe-Milot K, Mayrand MH, Morin M. (2022) Acceptability of multimodal pelvic floor physical therapy to treat dyspareunia after gynecological malignancies: a qualitative study of women's views and experiences. International Urogynecology Journal. August 10;1-13. doi: 10.1007/s00192-022-05304-4. 

Parker-Autry C, Neiberg R, Leng XI, Matthews CA, Dumoulin C, Kuchel G, Kritchevsky SB. (2022). Examining the Role of Nonsurgical Therapy in the Treatment of Geriatric Urinary Incontinence. Obstetrics and gynecology. August 1;140(2): 243-251. doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000004852

Cacciari L, Kouakou C, Poder T, Vale L, Morin M, Mayrand M, Tousignant M, Dumoulin C. (2022) Group-based pelvic floor muscle training is a more cost-effective approach to treat urinary incontinence in older women : economic analysis of a randomised trial. Journal of Physiotherapy. June 23;68(3):191-196. doi:10.1016/j.jphys.2022.06.001.

Belanger C, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand MH, Khalife S, Waddell G, Dubois MH, Morin M. (2022) Pain characteristics, fear-avoidance variables, and pelvic floor function as predictors of treatment response to physical therapy in women with provoked vestibulodynia. Clinical Journal of Pain. March 8;38(5):360–367. doi:10.1097/AJP.0000000000001030.

Cyr MP, Dumoulin C, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb WH, Lapointe-Milot K, Mayrand M, Morin M. (2022) Changes in pelvic floor morphometry and muscle function after multimodal physiotherapy for gynaecological cancer survivors suffering from dyspareunia: a prospective interventional study. Physiotherapy. March;114:54-62. doi:10.1016/

M.P. Cyr, R. Dostie, C. Camden, C. Dumoulin, P. Bessette, A. Pina, W.H. Gotlieb, K. Lapointe-Milot, M. Mayrand, M. Morin (2022) Improvements following multimodal pelvic floor physical therapy in gynecological cancer survivors suffering from pain during sexual intercourse: Results from a one-year follow-up mixed-method study. PLOS ONE. January 25; 17(1):e0262844. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0262844

Robinson D, Prodigalidad LT, Chan S, Serati M, Lozo S, Lowder J, Ghetti C, Hullfish K, Hagen S, Dumoulin C. (2022) International Urogynaecology Consultation chapter 1 committee 4: patients’ perception of disease burden of pelvic organ prolapse. International Urogynecology Journal. January 3; 33:189-210. doi:10.1007/s00192-021-04997-3


Thalmann M, Ringli L, Adcock M, Swinnen N, de Jong J, Dumoulin C, Guimarães V, D. de Bruin E. (2021) Usability Study of a Multicomponent Exergame Training for Older Adults with Mobility Limitations. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. December 20;18(24):13422. doi:10.3390/ijerph182413422

Pedfsky L, Neilsen PMF, Budgett D, Nemec K, Dumoulin C, Kruger J. (2021) Using codesign to develop a mobile application for pelvic floor muscle training with an intravaginal device (FemFit®). Neurourology and Urodynamics. November;40(8):1900-1907. doi:10.1002/nau.24775

Swinnen N, de Bruin E. Dumoulin C, Thalmann M, Guimarães V, de Jong J, Vandenbulcke M, Vancampfort D. (2021). The Vitaal stepping exergaming prototype for older adults with major neurocognitive disorder: a usability study. Front Aging Neuroscience. November 4; 13:701319. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2021.701319

Paquin MH, Duclos C, Dubreucq L, Lapierre N, Rousseau J, Meunier J, Filiatrault J, Morin M, Dumoulin, C. (2021) L’effet d’une envie pressante d’uriner sur les paramètres de marche des femmes âgées ayant des antécédents de chute, qu’elles soient continentes ou incontinentes. Physio-Québec. November:30-33.

Guimarães V, Oliveira E, Carvalho A, Cardoso N, Emerich J, Dumoulin C, Swinnen N, De Jong J, de Bruin ED. (2021) An Exergame Solution for Personalized Multicomponent Training in Older Adults. Applied Sciences. August 29;11(17):7986. doi:10.3390/app11177986

Cyr MP, Dumoulin C, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb W, Lapointe-Milot K, Mayrand MH, Morin M. (2021) A prospective single-arm study evaluating the effects of a multimodal physical therapy intervention on psychosexual outcomes in women with dyspareunia after gynecologic cancer. Journal of Sexual Medicine. May; 18(5): 946-954. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2021.02.014

Cyr MP, Dumoulin C, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb WH, Lapointe-Milot K, Morin M. (2021). Characterizing pelvic floor muscle function and morphometry in survivors of gynecological cancer who have dyspareunia: a comparative cross-sectional study. Physical Therapy. April 4;101(4):pzab042. doi:10.1093/ptj/pzab042.

Dumoulin C, Cacciari L, Mayrand MH. (2021) Implementing Group-based pelvic floor muscle training in clinical practice reply. JAMA Internal Medicine. March 1;181(3):406-407. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.7110.

Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand MH, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Dubois MF; PVD Study Group.(2021) Multimodal physical therapy versus topical lidocaine for provoked vestibulodynia: a multicenter, randomized trial. American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology. February;224(2):189.e1-189.e12. doi:10.1016/j.ajog.2020.08.038

Cacciari L, Morin M, Mayrand M, Tousignant M, Abrahamovick M, Dumoulin C. (2021) Pelvic floor morphometrical and functional changes immediately after pelvic floor muscle training and at 1‐year follow‐up, in older incontinent women. Neurourology and Urodynamics. January;40(1):245-255. doi: 10.1002/nau.24542.


Cyr MP, Dumoulin C, Bessette P, Pina A, Gotlieb WH, Lapointe-Milot K, Mayrand MH, Morin M. (2020) Feasibility, acceptability and effects of multimodal pelvic floor physical therapy for gynecological cancer survivors suffering from painful sexual intercourse: A multicenter prospective interventional study. Gynecologic Oncology Reports. December;159(3):778-784. doi:10.1016/j.ygyno.2020.09.001.

Le Berre M, Dumoulin C. (2020) Force, équilibre, mobilité et fonction des femmes âgées avec incontinence urinaire: une revue de littérature. Kinésithérapie, la revue. October;20(226): 3-20. doi:10.1016/j.kine.2020.05.020

Mercier J, Morin M, Tang A, Richetzer B, Lemieux MC, Khalifé S, Zaki D, Gougeon F, Dumoulin C. (2020) Pelvic floor training: mechanisms of action for the improvement of genitourinary syndrome of menopause. Climacteric. October;23(5):468-473. doi:10.1080/13697137.2020.1724942

Dumoulin C, Morin M, Danielli C, Cacciari L, Mayrand M, Tousignant M, Abrahamovick M. (2020) Group-based versus individual pelvic floor muscle training to treat urinary incontinence in older women. JAMA internal medicine. October 1;180(10):1284-1293. doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.2993.

El-Sayegh B, Dumoulin C, Ali M, Assaf H, Sawan M.  (2020) A Dynamometer-based Wireless Pelvic Floor Muscle Force Monitoring. 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). July; 2020:6127-6130. doi:10.1109/EMBC44109.2020.9176660.

Benoit-Piau J, Dumoulin C, Carroll MS, Mayrand MH, Bergeron S, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2020) Efficiency and Cost: E-Recruitment Is a Promising Method in Gynecological Trials. Journal of Sexual Medicine. July;17(7):1304-1311. doi:10.1016/j.jsxm.2020.04.005

Le Berre M, Presse N, Morin M, Larouche M, Campeau L, Hu YX, Reid I, Dumoulin C. (2020) What do we really know about the role of caffeine on urinary tract symptoms? A scoping review on caffeine consumption and urinary symptoms in adults. Neurourology and Urodynamics. June;39(5):1217-1233. doi:10.1002/nau.24344.

Dumoulin C, Le Berre M. (2020) Pelvic floor muscle training for older women with urinary incontinence. Current Geriatrics Reports. March 26;9(1):54–63. doi:10.1007/s13670-020-00316-8

Mercier J, Tang A, Morin M, Lemieux M-C, Khalifé S, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C (2020). Impact d’un programme d’exercices des muscles du plancher pelvien sur la vascularisation pelvi-périnéale de femmes avec syndrome génito-urinaire de la ménopause. Revue Physio-Québec. Automne 2019-Hiver 2020;46(2):28-31.

Cacciari LP, Kruger J, Goodman J, Budgett D, Dumoulin C. (2020) Reliability and validity of intravaginal pressure measurements with a new intravaginal pressure device: The FemFit®. Neurourology & Urodynamics. January;39(1):253-260. doi:10.1002/nau.24179.

Cacciari LP, Amorim AC, Pássaro AC, Dumoulin C, Sacco IN. (2020) Intravaginal pressure profile of continent and incontinent women. Journal of Biomechanics. January;99:109572. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2019.109572


Dumoulin C, Pazzoto Cacciari L, Mercier J. (2019) Keeping the pelvic floor healthy. Climacteric, 22(3): 257-262.

Bo K, Dumoulin C, Ferreira C, Frawley H, Hay-Smith J, Mokved S, Nygarrd I, Sherburn M. (2019) Comment and questions to Mottola et al: 2019 Canadian guideline for physical activity throughout pregnancy: letter to the editor. British Journal of Sport Medicine.

Cacciari LP, Dumoulin C, Hay-Smith EJ. (2019) Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women: a Cochrane systematic review abridged republication. Braz J Phys Ther, 23(2):93-107.

Billecocq S, Bo K, Dumoulin C, Aigon, A, Amarenco, G, Bakker E, Cornillet-Bernard M, Flandrin-Crétinon S, Deffieux X, Lartigues G, Loobuick M, Steenstrup B, de Tayrac R. (2019) Traduction française de la terminologie commune de l'International Urogynecological Association (IUGA) et de l'International Continence Society (ICS) relative à la prise en charge conservatrice et non pharmacologique des dysfonctions du plancher pelvien féminin. Progrès en Urologie, 29(4):183-208.

Hay-Smith JC, Englas K, Dumoulin C, Ferreira CHJ, Frawley H, Weatherall M. (2019) The Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template (CERT) in a systematic review of exercise-based rehabilitation effectiveness: Completeness of reporting, rater agreement, and utility. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med, 55(3): 342-352.

Mercier J, Morin M, Zaki D, Reichtzer B, Lemieux M, Khalife S, Dumoulin C. (2019) Pelvic floor muscle training as a treatment for genitourinary syndrome of menopause: a single-arm feasibility study. Maturitas, March, 125: 57-62.

Le Berre M, Dumoulin C. (2019) Characteristics of lower limb muscle strength, balance, mobility and function in older women with urge and mixed urinary incontinence: an observational pilot study. Physiotherapy Canada, 2019 summer;71(3):250-260.

Paquin MH, Duclos C, Lapierre N, Dubreucq L, Morin M, Meunier J, Rousseau J, Dumoulin C. (2019) The effects of a strong desire to void on gait for incontinent and continent older community‐dwelling women at risk of falls. Neurourology and urodynamics, Feb;39(2):642-649.

Bo K, Dumoulin C, Ferreira C, Frawley H, Hay-Smith J, Mokved S, Nygarrd I, Sherburn M. (2019) Comment and questions to Mottola et al: 2019 Canadian guideline for physical activity throughout pregnancy: letter to the editor. J Obstet Gynecol Canada, Oct;41(10):1404-1405.


Gibson W, Hunter K, Camicioli R, Booth J, Skelton A, Dumoulin C, Paul L, Wagg A. (2018) The association between lower urinary tract symptoms and falls: Forming a theoretical model for a research agenda. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 37(1): 501-509.

Mercier J, Tang A, Morin M, Lemieux MC, Khalifé S, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2018) Test-retest reliability of clitoral blood flow measurements using color Doppler ultrasonography at rest and after a pelvic floor contraction task in healthy adult women. Neurourol Urodyn, 37(7): 2249-2256.

Fradet S, Morin M, Kruger J, Dumoulin C. (2018). Pelvic floor morphometric differences in elderly women with or without urinary incontinence. Physiotherapy Journal, 70(1): 49-56.

Dumoulin C, Cacciari LP, Hay-smith EJC. (2018) Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women. Cochrane Database System Review, 2018 Oct 4; 10: 1465-1858. CD005654.

Fontaine F, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand MH, Khalife S, Wadell G, Morin M. (2018) Pelvic floor muscle morphometry and function in women with primary and secondary provoked vestibulodynia. J Sex Med, 15(8): 1149-1157.

Benoit-Piau J, Bergeron S, Brassard A, Dumoulin C, Khalifé S, Waddell G, Morin M. (2018) Fear-avoidance and pelvic floor muscle function are associated with pain intensity in women with vulvodynia. Clinical Journal of Pain, 34(9): 804-810.             

Mercier J, Tang A, Morin M, Lemieux MC, Khalifé S, Reichetzer B, Dumoulin C. (2018) Test-retest reliability of internal pudendal artery blood flow using color doppler ultrasonography in healthy women. International Urogynecology Journal, 29(12): 1817-1824.

Lapierre N, Meunier J, St-Arnaud A, Filiatrault J, Paquin MH, Duclos C, Dumoulin C, Rousseau J. (2018) Older women’s perceptions of a programmable video monitoring system at home: a pilot study. Gerontechnology Journal, 17(4): 245-254.

Abrams P, Andersson KE, Apostolidis A, Birder L, Bliss D, Brubaker L, Cardozo L, Castro-Diaz D, O'Connell PR, Cottenden A, Cotterill N, de Ridder D, Dmochowski R, Dumoulin C, Fader M, Fry C, Goldman H, Hanno P, Homma Y, Khullar V, Maher C, Milsom I, Newman D, Nijman RJM, Rademakers K, Robinson D, Rosier P, Rovner E, Salvatore S, Takeda M, Wagg A, Wagner T, Wein A; members of the committees. (2018) 6th International Consultation on Incontinence. Recommendations of the International Scientific Committee: Evaluation and treatment of urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and faecal incontinence. Neurourology & Urodynamics, 37(7): 2271-2272.

Mercier J, Morin M, Reichtzer B, Lemieux M, Khalife S, Dumoulin C. (2018) Genitourinary syndrome of menopause symptom severity and impact outcome measures: are they reliable and correlated? Menopause, 26(6): 659-664.


Bo K, Frawley H, Haylen B, Abramov Y, Almeida F, Berghmans B, Bortolini M, Dumoulin C, Gomes M, McClurg D, Meijlink J, Shelly E, Trabuco E, Walker C, Wells A. (2017) An international urogynecological association (IUGA) / International Continence Society (ICS) joint report on the terminology for the conservative and nonpharmacological management of female pelvic floor dysfunction. International Urogynecology Journal, 28(2): 191-213.

Bo K, Frawley H, Haylen B, Abramov Y, Almeida F, Berghmans B, Bortolini M, Dumoulin C, Gomes M, McClurg D, Meijlink J, Shelly E, Trabuco E, Walker C, Wells A. (2017) An international urogynecological association (IUGA) / International Continence Society (ICS) joint report on the terminology for the conservative and nonpharmacological management of female pelvic floor dysfunction. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 36(22): 221-244.

Dumoulin C, Tang A, Pontbriand-Drolet S, Maddill S, Morin M. (2017) Pelvic floor morphometry: a predictor of pelvic floor muscle training’s success for women with stress and mixed urinary incontinence. International Urogyneacology Journal, 28(8): 1223-1239.

Bernard S. Moffet H, Plante M, Ouellet MP, Dumoulin C. (2017) Pelvic floor properties in women reporting urinary incontinence after surgery and radiotherapy for endometrial cancer. Physical Therapy, 97(4): 438-448.

Cyr MP, Kruger J, Wong V, Dumoulin C, Girard I, Morin M (2017) Pelvic floor morphometry and function in women with and without puborectalis avulsion in the early postpartum period Article reference. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 2017 Mar; 216(3): 274.e1-274.e8.              

Dumoulin C, Morin M, Mayrand M-H, Tousignant M. (2017) Group physiotherapy compared individual physiotherapy to treat urinary incontinence in aging women: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 2017 Nov 16; 18(1): 544.


Dumoulin C, Hunter KF, Moore K, Bradley CS, Burgio KL, Hagen S, Imamura M, Thakar R, Williams K, Chambers T. (2016) Conservative management for female urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse review 2013: Summary of the 5th international consultation on incontinence. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2016 Jan; 35(1): 15-20.

Pontbriand-Drolet S, Tang A, Madill SJ, Tannenbaum C, Lemieux MC, Corcos J, Dumoulin C. (2016) Differences in pelvic floor morphology between stress continent, stress urinary incontinent, and mixed urinary incontinent elderly women: An MRI study. Neurourology & Urodynamics, 2016 Apr; 35(4): 515-21.

Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bergeron S, Mayrand MH. (2016) Randomized clinical trial of multimodal physiotherapy treatment compared to overnight lidocaine ointment in women with provoked vestibulodynia: Design and methods. Contemp Clinical Trials, 2016 Jan; 46: 52-59. MS. No. Chi-15-340R1.

Sran M, Wilson P, Lieblich P, Dumoulin C. (2016) Physical therapy for urinary incontinence in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis or low bone density and urinary incontinence: a randomized controlled trial. Menopause, 2016 March; 23(3): 286-93.

Mercier J, Morin M, Lemieux MC, Reichetzer B, Khalifé S, Dumoulin C. (2016) Pelvic floor muscles training to reduce symptoms and signs of vulvo-vaginal atrophy: a case study. Menopause. 2016 Jul; 23(7): 816-820.

Lapierre N, Meunier J, Filiatrault J, St-Arnaud A, Paquin M-H, Duclos C, Dubreucq L, Moffet H, Morin M, Milot M-H, Dumoulin C & Rousseau J. (2016) A methodology of implementing a videomonitoring system in community-dwelling elderly. Gerontechnology, 15(0): 87-87.

Bernard S, Moffet H, Ouellet M-P, Plante M, Leblond J, Dumoulin C. (2016) Les propriétés fonctionnelles du plancher pelvien de femmes souffrant d'incontinence urinaire à la suite d’un cancer de l'endomètre traité par chirurgie et radiothérapie : une étude exploratoire. Physio-Québec, Ordre Professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec. Automne-Hiver 2016; 43(2): 26-27.


Madill SJ, Pontbriand-Drolet S, Tang A, Dumoulin C. (2015) Changes in urethral sphincter size following rehabilitation in older women with stress urinary incontinence. Int Urogynecol J, 2015 Feb; 26(2): 277-283.

Elliott V, de Bruin E, Dumoulin C. (2015) Virtual reality rehabilitation as a treatment approach for older women with mixed urinary incontinence: a feasibility study. Neurourology and Urodynamics. 2015 Mar; 34(3): 236-243.

Dumoulin C, Hay-Smith J, MacHabée-Séguin G, Mercier J. (2015) Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women: A short version Cochrane systematic review with meta-analysis. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2015 Apr; 34(4): 300-308.

McClurg D, Frawley H, Dean S, Hay Smith J, Chen Shu Yueh, Chiarelli P, Mair F, Dumoulin C. (2015) Scoping Review of Adherence Promotion Theories in Pelvic Floor Muscle Training - 2011 ICS State-of-the-Science Seminar Research Paper I of IV. Neurourology & Urodynamics, 2015 May 21; 34(7): 606-614.

Dumoulin C. Alewijnse D, Bo K,  Hagen S, Stark D, Van Kampen M, Herbert J. Hay Smith J, Frawley H, McClurg D. (2015)  Pelvic-Floor-Muscle Training Adherence: tools, measurements and strategies -2011 ICS State-of-the-Science Seminar Research Paper II of IV. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 2015 September 21; 34(7): 615-621.

Hay Smith EJ, Dean S, Burgio K, McClurg D, Frawley H, Dumoulin C. (2015) Pelvic-Floor-Muscle-Training Adherence ‘Modifiers’: a review of primary qualitative studies - 2011 ICS State-of-the-Science Seminar Research Paper III of IV. Neurourol & Urodynamics, 2015 May 21; 34(7): 622-631.

Frawley H, McClurg D, Mahfooza A, Hay-Smith J, Dumoulin C. (2015) Health professionals’ and patients’ perspectives on Pelvic-Floor-Muscle-Training Adherence - 2011 ICS State-of-the-Science Seminar Research Paper IV of IV. Neurourol & Urodynamics, 2015 May 21; 34(7): 632-639.

Dumoulin C, Hay-Smith J, Frawley H, McClurg D, Alewijnse D, Bo K, Burgio K, Chen SY, Chiarelli P, Dean S, Hagen S, Herbert J, Mahfooza A, Mair F, Stark D, Van Kampen M. (2015). 2014 consensus statement on improving pelvic ploor muscle training adherence: International Continence Society 2011 State-of-the-Science Seminar. Neurourol & Urodynamics, 2015 Sep; 34(7): 600-605.

Bernard S, Ouellet MP, Moffet H, Roy JS, Dumoulin C. (2015) Effects of radiation therapy on the structure and function of the pelvic floor muscles of patients with cancer in the pelvic area: a systematic review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship: Research and Practice, 2016 Apr; 10(2): 351-62.


Dumoulin C, Hay-Smith J, MacHabbée Séguin G. (2014) Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women. Cochrane Database System Review. 2014 May 14;5:CD005654.

Fritel X, Dumoulin C. (2014) Incontinence: Stress urinary incontinence treatment—surgery first? Nature Reviews Urology, 11(1): 10-11.

Fraser S, Elliott V, DeBruin E, Bherer L, Dumoulin C. (2014) The effects of combined video game dancing and pelvic floor training to improve dual-task gait and cognition in women with mixed-urinary incontinence. Games for Health Journal, 3(3): 172-178.


Madill S, Pontbriand-Drolet S, Tang A, Dumoulin C. (2013) Effects of pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation on PFM function and morphology in older women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 32(8): 1086-1095.

Kruger JA, Dietz HP, Budgett SC, Dumoulin C. (2013) Comparison between transperineal ultrasound and digital dectection of levator ani trauma. Can we improve the odds? Neurourology and Urodynamics, 33(3): 307-311.

Dumoulin C, Martin C, Elliott V, Bourbonnais D, Morin M, Lemieux MC, Gauthier R. (2013) Randomized controlled trial of physiotherapy for postpartum stress incontinence: 7-year follow-up. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 32(5): 449-454.

Lussier M, Renaud M, Chiva-Razavi S, Bherer L, Dumoulin C. (2013) Are stress and mixed urinary incontinence associated with impaired executive control in community-dwelling older women? Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 35(5): 445-454.


Hay-Smith EJ, Herderschee R, Dumoulin C, Herbison GP. (2012) Comparisons of approaches to pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in women. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews, 7(12): CD009508.

Hay-Smith J, Herderschee R, Dumoulin C, Herbison P. (2012) Comparisons of approaches to pelvic floor muscle training for urinary incontinence in women: an abridged Cochrane systematic review. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med. 2012 Dec;48(4):689-705.


Dumoulin C, Glazener C. (2011) Optimiser l’efficacité de la rééducation périnéale dans le traitement de l’incontinence urinaire d’effort chez la femme – Que nous disent les évidences scientifiques ? Réalités en Gynécologie-Obstétrique, 152: 1-5.

Dumoulin C, Glazener C, Jenkinson D. (2011) Determining the optimal pelvic floor muscle training regimen for women with stress urinary incontinence. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 30(5):746-753.

Jean F, Albu AB, Dumoulin C. (2011) Feature-based tracking of urethral motion in low resolution trans-perineal ultrasound. Conference Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2011: 6639-6642.

Madill S, Tang A, Pontbriand-Drolet S, Dumoulin C. (2011) Comparison of two methods for measuring the pubococcygeal line from sagittal-plane magnetic resonance imaging. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 30(8): 1613-1619.  


Dumoulin C, Hay-Smith J. (2010) Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews, 20;(1): CD005654.

Dumoulin C, Bourbonnais D, Morin M, Gravel D, Lemieux MC. (2010) Predictors of success for physiotherapy treatment in women with persistent postpartum stress urinary incontinence. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 91(7): 1059-1063.

Morin M, Gravel D, Bourbonnais D, Dumoulin C, Ouellet S, Pilon JF. (2010) Application of a new method in the study of pelvic floor muscle passive properties in continent women. Journal of Electromyography & Kinesiology, 20(5): 795-803.


Tannenbaum C, Brouillette J, Michaud J, Korner Bitensky N, Dumoulin C, Corcos J, Tu le M, Lemieux MC, Ouellet S, Valiquette L. (2009) Responsiveness and clinical utility of the Geriatric self-efficacy index for urinary incontinence. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 57: 470-475.


Dumoulin C, Hay-Smith J. (2008) Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment for urinary incontinence in women. A Cochrane systematic Review. European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine, 44: 47-63.

Morin M, Bourbonnais D, Gravel D, Dumoulin C, Ouellet S, Lepage Y. (2008) Reliability of dynamometric passive properties of the pelvic floor muscle in postmenopausal women with stress urinary incontinence. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 27: 819-825.

Tannenbaum C, Brouillette J, Korner Bitensky N, Dumoulin C, Corcos J, Tu le M, Lemieux MC, Ouellet S, Valiquette L. (2008) Creation and Testing of the Geriatric Self-Efficacy Index for Urinary Incontinence. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 56: 542-547.


Dumoulin C, Korner-Bitensky N, Tannenbaum C. (2007) Urinary incontinence after stroke: identification assessment and intervention by rehabilitation professionals in Canada. Stroke, 38(10): 2745-51.

Dumoulin C, Peng Q, Stodkilde-Jorgensen H, Shishido K, Constantinou C. (2007) Changes in levator ani anatomical configuration following physiotherapy in women with stress urinary incontinence. Journal of Urology, 178(3 pt 1): 970-977; quiz 1129.

Morin M, Dumoulin C, Gravel D, Bourbonnais D, Lemieux MC. (2007) Reliability of speed of contraction and endurance dynamometric measurements of the pelvic floor musculature in stress incontinent parous women. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 26 (3): 397-403. Discussion 404.


Dumoulin C. (2006) Postnatal pelvic floor muscle training for preventing and treating urinary incontinence: where do we stand. Current Opinion in Obstetric & Gynecology, 18(5): 538-43.

Hay-Smith EJ, Dumoulin C. (2006) Pelvic floor muscle training versus no treatment, or inactive control treatments, for urinary incontinence in women. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2006 Jan 25;(1):CD005654.


Dumoulin C, Korner-Bitensky N, Tannenbaum C. (2005) Urinary incontinence after stroke: does rehabilitation make a difference? A systematic review of the effectiveness of behavioral therapy. Topics in Stroke Rehabilitation, 12(3): 66-76.


Dumoulin C, Lemieux MC, Bourbonnais D, Gravel D, Bravo G, Morin M. (2004) Physiotherapy for persistent postnatal stress urinary incontinence: a randomized controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol, 104 (3): 504-10.

Dumoulin C, Gravel D, Bourbonnais D, Lemieux MC, Morin M. (2004) Reliability of dynamometric measurement of the pelvic floor musculature. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 23(2): 134-42.

Morin M, Dumoulin C, Bourbonnais D, Gravel D, Lemieux MC. (2004) Pelvic floor maximal strength using vaginal digital assessment compared to dynamometric measurements. Neurourol Urodyn. 2004;23(4):336-41.

Morin M, Bourbonnais D, Gravel D, Dumoulin C, Lemieux MC. (2004) Pelvic floor muscle function in continent and stress urinary incontinent women using dynamometric measurements. Neurourol Urodyn. 2004;23(7):668-74.


Dumoulin C, Bourbonnais D, Lemieux MC. (2003) Development of a dynamometer for measuring the isometric force of the pelvic floor musculature. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 22 (7): 648-53.